She will dazzle you with the power of her pictures !
Bohemian Light
Om företaget
Erbjuder professionell fotografering till företag och privatpersoner. Med era önskemål i centrum skapas de bästa bilderna med en förmånlig prissättning. Porträtt,bröllop,mode. På plats eller mobil studio. Tveka inte att kontakta mig om ni har frågor.
25 omdömen om Bohemian Light
Alltid trevligt bemötande och hög servicegrad. Har aldrig upplevt fel eller problem. Tydlig hemsida. Brett urval svenska bilder. Har var
OK I am her mother, but if I had to employ Arantxa without knowing her personally I would do so for the following reasons : - first and foremost she is a professional; I mean she is a perfectionist and she never produces anything second-rate - she always meets deadlines and at a reasonable price; you will never feel shortchanged - she really has an 'eye' for detail and notices what others do not see - she is very creative: her brain is constantly whirring, generating new ideas. If you're looking for something different...
Absolutely fabulous ! Arantxa really knows how to captivate the spirit of the situation in her photos !
I have admired Arantxa since she was a high school student for the serious and dynamic way she pursued both her studies and career. I had the chance to visit her exhibition a couple of years ago, as well as have a photograph taken by her. She is a gifted photographer with a sensitive eye who knows how to seize the moment and the feeling. I do recommend her wholeheartedly.
Proffsig fotograf och filmare med specialitet på konstnärliga foton men med ett brett arbetsfält. Jag har tagit hjälp av henne vid två tillfällen, de ena gällde lokaler som blivit stylade och det andra ett modelljobb. Jag blev mycket nöjd och kommer att fortsätta anlita henne! Hon är lyhörd mot kunden och mycket mån om slutresultatet!
Arantxa is the photographer you need to work with, and you will want to do it again, look at the images and feel the energy!!!! FANTASTIC!!!!
Bohemian Light (Arantxa Hurtado) är en otroligt bra, profissionelt och kreativ fotograf! Hade chans att se hennes arbete på forsta hand när hon tog bilder av min flickvän i våran lägenhet och efter fick också titta lite på hennes portfolio, micket imponerande!
Great energy and enthusiasm. A passionate worker.
Not only an excellent photographer but an excellent person, cultivated, interested in everything. Everything Arantxa decides to do she does it with passion. Do not hesitate to cont(r)act Bohemian Lights!!
Bohemian Light is a dedicated, talented photographer with faboulous insight, fantastic ingenuity and a knack for capturing those little details which change our persepective of things and which generally go by unnoticed. Her work is not to be missed!
outstanding photos. highly recommended.
Professional, reliable, friendly and talented- Bohemian Light manages to bring life to her photographs and to capture her subjects' personality. Very versatile in style, she is able to experiment with different subjects, scenes and lights to create a vast range of flavours and emotions. It is a great pleasure to work with her!
kreativa bilder!
i had my Professional Music Book in Spain with this excellent photographer,verry professional and passionate, verry satisfied with the results .
A brilliant photographer, easy-going and professional all in one.
I commissionned my Weeding pictures at Bohemian Lights and loved the result!
Arantxa Hurtado is one of the bests professionals I've had the pleasure to work with. She has a great talent. I am sure Bohemian Light will be successful.
What amazing work. Not only technically brilliant, Bohemian Light makes me discover unseen beauty and changes my perception of photography.
She is an exeptional photographer who has a talent and ability to really see the people, she is portraying. She looks under the surface and works out little details in the personality, the features, the gestures or simply the environment of the portrayed person. The results are very personal and impressive, images, portraits full of life - sometimes funny, sometimes eccentric, sometimes quiet but always very strong and always very magical. If i chose a photographer, i would choose her again - Bohemian Light!
Arantxa Hurtado provided an excellent service, I am very pleased with the photographs, highly recommended!
Väldigt begåvad fotograf. Varm, professionell, hon får ut det bästa av sina modeller, barn familjer eller vad det än blir.
Jag kan verkligen rekommendera Arantxa Hurtado för familjeporträtt. Hon är väldigt duktig på att få både barn och vuxna att slappna av och hon lyckas verkligen ta bilder utöver det vanliga. Min familj kommer att anlita henne igen!
Very good photographer: special talent to capture the magic inside..... whatever. Talent plus professionalism. Highly reommendable.
Jag fick otroligt fina bilder, alla med en unik känsla som gör varje bild mer preciös än den andra. Tack så mycket!