Begravningsbyrå i Haninge

1 rekommenderat begravningsbyråer i Haninge kommun

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  • Happy T
    Happy T: I am not originally from Sweden and was unfamiliar with the funeral services and procedures here. When my mother passed away, I found myself in a difficult situation, especially as it happened during the Christmas and New Year period of 2024. After reaching out to several funeral homes, Vita Liljan responded with a compassionate approach, offering a reasonable quote and a practical timeline. They handled everything with great professionalism and care, ensuring that all arrangements were carried out smoothly. One of the most important aspects for me was being able to take my mother’s ashes back to India after the cremation. Vita Liljan guided me through the process and provided all the necessary documents without any hassle. They also made arrangements for me to see my mother before the cremation, giving me the chance to say my final goodbye. Their pricing was very reasonable, but what stood out the most was their genuine kindness and support during such a difficult time. I highly recommend Vita Liljan to anyone in need of funeral services—they are professional, compassionate, and truly committed to helping families through their loss.
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